Heading to Iowa and Idaho This Week!

Posted by Alice Summers on

If you are attending either Chirofest, September 16 & 17 in Boise, ID or the Palmer College 125th Anniversary celebration, September 15 - 17 in Davenport, IA, then this is your chance to check out the Leander 950 Series in person. We'll be bringing the table with us so you can get a hands-on demonstration and experience the solid USA built quality and patient comfort features this table offers.

Even better - if you are in the market for a new table, our showroom demonstration tables are available for sale at a great price. The only catch is - you need to arrange to take the table from the expo halls at the close of the shows. We cannot arrange shipping. Email sales@leandercare.com to take advantage of this great offer. The show model is the Series 950 with 21" to 29" elevation range and cervical, thoracic and pelvic drops, in commercial grade black Naugahyde.

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